Star See also Astronomy Lehi1 beholds twelve whose brightness exceeds that of stars, 1 Ne. 1:10. Lucifer desires to exalt his throne above stars of God, 2 Ne. 24:13 (Isa. 14:13). new star shall arise as sign of Christ’s birth, Hel. 14:5 (3 Ne. 1:21). stars shall be darkened as sign of Christ’s death, Hel. 14:20 (3 Ne. 8:22). stars to fall at the Lord’s coming, D&C 29:14 (34:9; 45:42; 88:87; 133:49). telestial glory compared with stars, D&C 76:81, 98. inhabitants of telestial world innumerable as stars, D&C 76:109. the Lord is light of stars and power by which they were made, D&C 88:9. let sun, moon, morning stars sing together, D&C 128:23. Abraham’s seed to continue as innumerable as stars, D&C 132:30. stars made according to God’s word, Moses 2:16 (Abr. 4:16). fathers’ record of knowledge of stars kept by Abraham, Abr. 1:31. Abraham sees great stars, one that is nearest throne of God, Abr. 3:2. Kokob, which is star, Abr. 3:13. Kokaubeam signifies stars, or all great lights, Abr. 3:13. planet or star may exist above any other, Abr. 3:17–18. stars shall fall from heaven, JS—M 1:33 (Matt. 24:29).