the Lord has commanded that men should not steal, 2 Ne. 26:32.
Benjamin has not suffered his people to steal, Mosiah 2:13.
thou shalt not steal, Mosiah 13:22 (Ex. 20:15).
those practicing priestcraft dare not steal for fear of law, Alma 1:18.
priests preach against stealing, Alma 16:18.
king would convince Lamanites they ought not to steal, Alma 23:3.
harlot Isabel stole away hearts of many, Alma 39:4.
slaughter of Nephites caused by iniquities, stealing, Hel. 4:12.
robbers covenant they should not suffer for stealings, Hel. 6:21, 23.
robbers obtain management of government that they might more easily steal, Hel. 7:4–5.
lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where thieves steal, 3 Ne. 13:19–20 (Matt. 6:19–20).
fourth generation will sell the Lord for that which thieves can steal, 3 Ne. 27:32.