parents have suffered much grief because of children, 1 Ne. 18:17.
the God of nature suffers, 1 Ne. 19:12.
God suffers pains of every living creature that resurrection might pass upon men, 2 Ne. 9:21–22.
all men should suffer Christ’s cross, Jacob 1:8.
the Lord shall suffer temptations and pains even more than men can suffer, Mosiah 3:7 (15:5).
Alma1 teaches Abinadi’s words concerning sufferings and death of Christ, Mosiah 18:1–2.
the Son suffers in flesh that he might take upon him his people’s sins, Alma 7:13.
brethren of Ammon2 were patient in sufferings, Alma 20:29.
no redemption for mankind, save through death and sufferings of Christ, Alma 21:9.
sons of Mosiah2 have suffered all manner of affliction that they might be means of saving one soul, Alma 26:30.
the Lord has given his servants strength that they should suffer no afflictions, Alma 31:38.
on day that Christ suffers death, sun shall be darkened, Hel. 14:20.
many prophets testify of Christ’s death and sufferings, 3 Ne. 6:20.
change wrought in Three Nephites that they might not suffer pain or sorrow, 3 Ne. 28:38.
may Christ’s sufferings and death rest in your mind forever, Moro. 9:25.