Sun See also Astronomy Lehi1 beholds one descending from heaven whose luster is above sun at noonday, 1 Ne. 1:9. sun shall be darkened, 2 Ne. 23:10 (Isa. 13:10). sun appears to stand still, Hel. 12:15. no darkness at setting of sun when Christ comes, Hel. 14:4 (3 Ne. 1:15–19). sun shall be darkened at Christ’s death, Hel. 14:20 (3 Ne. 8:22). the Father maketh his sun rise on evil and good, 3 Ne. 12:45 (Matt. 5:45). Church to come forth fair as sun, D&C 5:14 (105:31). sun shall be darkened, D&C 29:14 (34:9; 45:42). celestial bodies have glory of sun, D&C 76:70. glory of sun is typical of glory of God, D&C 76:70. Christ is in sun and light of sun, D&C 88:7. sun gives his light by day, D&C 88:45. sun shall hide his face, D&C 88:87 (133:49). Church to come forth clear as sun, D&C 109:73. the Lord’s countenance shone above brightness of sun, D&C 110:3. God makes greater light, sun, to rule day, Moses 2:16, 18 (Abr. 4:16). god of Shagreel was sun, Abr. 1:9. Shinehah, which is the sun, Abr. 3:13. sun shall be darkened, JS—M 1:33 (Matt. 24:29). Joseph Smith sees pillar of light above brightness of sun, JS—H 1:16.