Sariah knows of surety that the Lord commanded Lehi1 to flee, 1 Ne. 5:8.
men shall know of surety when prophecies of Isaiah1 come to pass, 2 Ne. 25:7.
stone rejected by Jews shall be only sure foundation, Jacob 4:15–17 (Hel. 5:12).
we can know of surety of plates because we have them before our eyes, Mosiah 1:6.
people of Alma1 to know of surety that the Lord visits his people in their afflictions, Mosiah 24:14.
as sure as the Lord liveth, converted Lamanites never fell away, Alma 23:6.
many say they will know of surety if shown sign, Alma 32:17.
ye cannot know of surety of words at first any more than faith is perfect knowledge, Alma 32:26.
are you sure this is good seed, Alma 32:31.
rock of the Redeemer is sure foundation, Hel. 5:12.
your destruction is made sure, Hel. 13:32, 38.
ye shall know of surety that there are two days and a night without darkness, Hel. 14:4.
after feeling Christ’s wounds, multitude know of surety and bear record, 3 Ne. 11:15.
whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for better world, Ether 12:4.
as sure as Christ liveth, he spoke these words to our fathers, Moro. 7:26.