Swallow mind of Lehi1 so swallowed up in other things, he did not notice filthiness of river, 1 Ne. 15:27. earth shall swallow those who kill prophets, 2 Ne. 26:5. will of the Son is swallowed up in will of the Father, Mosiah 15:7. sting of death is swallowed in Christ, Mosiah 16:8 (Alma 22:14; Morm. 7:5). men’s hearts are swallowed up in pride, Alma 31:27. missionaries are swallowed up in joy of Christ, Alma 31:38. the Lord has swallowed up Egyptians in Red Sea, Alma 36:28 (Hel. 8:11). Jaredites need light when swallowed in depths of sea, Ether 2:25. floods swallowed wicked, Moses 7:43.