Tabernacle See also Body; Building [noun]; BD Tabernacle there shall be tabernacle for shadow from heat and place of refuge, 2 Ne. 14:6 (Isa. 4:6). God shall dwell in tabernacle of clay, Mosiah 3:5 (Alma 7:8). we have labor to perform while in tabernacle of clay, Moro. 9:6. house of the Lord to become tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, D&C 88:137. Christ made flesh his tabernacle, D&C 93:4. elements are tabernacle of God, D&C 93:35. veil of covering of the Lord’s temple in his tabernacle to be taken off, D&C 101:23. Moses commanded to build tabernacle, D&C 124:38. the Lord’s tabernacle shall be in New Jerusalem, Moses 7:62.