Tarry See also Abide; Remain; Wait Zoram1 makes oath to tarry with family of Lehi1, 1 Ne. 4:35. Lehi1 tarried in wilderness, 1 Ne. 8:2. priests of Noah3 tarried in wilderness, Mosiah 20:4. multitude ask Jesus to tarry a little longer, 3 Ne. 17:5. Three Nephites allowed to tarry until Christ’s coming, 3 Ne. 28:4–12 (4 Ne. 1:14, 30, 37; Morm. 8:10; 9:22). John the Apostle to tarry until Christ comes, D&C 7:3–4. Joseph Smith is given power to discern who shall tarry, D&C 63:41, 45. those who stay shall tarry little season, D&C 105:21.