devil tells men there is no hell, 2 Ne. 28:22.
do things I have told you I have seen the Lord do, 2 Ne. 31:17.
words of Christ will tell you all things ye should do, 2 Ne. 32:3.
by help of the Creator I can tell your thoughts, Jacob 2:5.
Alma2 told Helaman2 by spirit of prophecy that sacred things will be taken if he transgresses, Alma 37:15.
Nephi2 told Nephites thoughts of hearts, Hel. 9:41.
that which kings had not been told them shall they see, 3 Ne. 20:45 (21:8).
whether Three Nephites were in or out of body multitude cannot tell, 3 Ne. 28:15.
Ether told Jaredites of all things from beginning, Ether 13:2.
I tell you way whereby ye may lay hold on every good thing, Moro. 7:21.
tongue cannot tell of Nephites’ perversion, Moro. 9:19.