Thanksgiving See also Thank; Thankful thanksgiving shall be found in Zion, 2 Ne. 8:3 (Isa. 51:3). Ammon2 pours out soul in thanksgiving to God, Alma 19:14. live in thanksgiving daily, Alma 34:38. heart of Moroni1 swells with thanksgiving to God, Alma 48:12. Nephites’ lamentations are turned in thanksgiving unto Christ, 3 Ne. 10:10. do all things with prayer and thanksgiving, D&C 46:7. remember Sabbath and fast with thanksgiving, D&C 59:15–16. herbs and fruits to be used with prudence and thanksgiving, D&C 89:11. house to be built for place of thanksgiving, D&C 97:13. praise the Lord with prayer of thanksgiving, D&C 136:28.