Thief, Thieves, Thieving See also Rob; Robber; Steal those who do not belong to Church indulge in thieving, Alma 1:32. those who do not pay what they owe are cast out as thieves, Alma 11:2. lay not up treasures upon earth, where thieves break through and steal, 3 Ne. 13:19–20 (27:32; Matt. 6:19–20). no man can keep what is his own because of thieves, Morm. 2:10. desolation shall come as thief in night, D&C 45:19. coming of the Lord to overtake world as thief in night, D&C 106:4–5 (1 Thes. 5:2). if man of house had known in which watch thief would come, he would have watched, JS—M 1:47 (Matt. 24:43).