people of Lehi1 have suffered thirst in wilderness, 1 Ne. 16:35 (Alma 37:42).
Moses brings water from rock to quench Israel’s thirst, 1 Ne. 17:29.
they thirsted not, 1 Ne. 20:21 (Isa. 48:21).
they shall not hunger nor thirst, 1 Ne. 21:10 (Isa. 49:10).
the Lord makes rivers wilderness and they die of thirst, 2 Ne. 7:2 (Isa. 50:2).
every one that thirsts, come to waters, 2 Ne. 9:50.
those who feast upon fruit of tree shall not thirst, Alma 32:42.
blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, 3 Ne. 12:6 (Matt. 5:6).
he who partakes of sacrament shall never hunger nor thirst, 3 Ne. 20:8.
Lamanites thirst after blood and revenge continually, Moro. 9:5.