by help of the Creator, Jacob2 can tell people’s thoughts, Jacob 2:5.
if ye do not watch your thoughts, ye must perish, Mosiah 4:30.
the Lord knows thoughts of hearts of Alma1 and his people, Mosiah 24:12.
Amulek perceives lawyers’ thoughts, Alma 10:17.
God knows Zeezrom’s thoughts and makes them known through the Spirit, Alma 12:3.
our thoughts will condemn us, Alma 12:14.
Ammon2 discerns Lamoni’s thoughts, Alma 18:18.
God knows all thoughts and intents of our hearts, Alma 18:32.
missionaries take no thought for themselves, Alma 31:37.
if ye take no thought for nourishment of tree, it will take no root, Alma 32:38.
thought of coming into God’s presence racked Alma2 with horror, Alma 36:14.
let thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord, Alma 37:36.
people believe Nephi2 is a god because he tells their thoughts, Hel. 9:41.
Christ knows thoughts of Three Nephites, 3 Ne. 28:6.
he who is cut off in thought of baptism for little children must go down to hell, Moro. 8:14.