Christ grants three disciples’ desire to tarry until his coming, 3 Ne. 28:1–6.
shall never taste of death, sorrow, 3 Ne. 28:7–9.
shall have fulness of joy, 3 Ne. 28:10.
are caught up into heaven, 3 Ne. 28:13–17.
minister unto people, 3 Ne. 28:18, 23.
endure persecution, 3 Ne. 28:19–22.
names not given, 3 Ne. 28:25.
have ministered unto Mormon2, 3 Ne. 28:26 (Morm. 8:11).
to minister to Gentiles, Jews, scattered tribes, all nations, 3 Ne. 28:27–29.
can show themselves to whomever it seems to them good, 3 Ne. 28:30.
to do marvelous works, 3 Ne. 28:32 (4 Ne. 1:5).
change wrought upon their bodies, 3 Ne. 28:36–40.
are sanctified in flesh, Satan has no power over them, 3 Ne. 28:39.
only disciples of original twelve who still tarry, 4 Ne. 1:14.
are taken from people because of wickedness, Morm. 8:10.
have ministered unto Moroni2, Morm. 8:11.