Tidings See also Gospel; Message how beautiful upon mountains are feet of him who brings good tidings, 1 Ne. 13:37 (Mosiah 12:21; 15:18; 3 Ne. 20:40; Isa. 52:7). angel comes to declare tidings of great joy to Benjamin, Mosiah 3:3. sons of Mosiah2 publish good tidings of good, Mosiah 27:37. the Lord declares day of salvation to all nations, that they might have glad tidings of great joy, Alma 13:22. Christ comes to declare glad tidings of salvation, Alma 39:15. seek no more to destroy my servant whom I have sent to declare good tidings, Hel. 5:29. angels appear and declare glad tidings of great joy, Hel. 16:14. appearance of signs brings glad tidings, 3 Ne. 1:26. declare glad tidings, D&C 19:29. this is the gospel, glad tidings declared from heaven, D&C 76:40. glad tidings for dead, D&C 128:19.