Tithing, Tithes See also BD Tithe Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, Alma 13:15. men have robbed God in tithes and offerings, 3 Ne. 24:8 (Mal. 3:8). bring tithes into storehouse, 3 Ne. 24:10 (Mal. 3:10). he who is tithed shall not be burned, D&C 64:23. the Lord tithes his people to prepare them for day of burning, D&C 85:3. the Lord’s house to be built by tithing of his people, D&C 97:11–12. revelation on tithing, D&C 119. those who have been tithed shall pay one-tenth of interest annually, D&C 119:4. tithing standing law unto Saints forever, D&C 119:4. revelation concerning disposition of property tithed, D&C 120.