if Adam had not transgressed, he would not have fallen, 2 Ne. 2:22.
Fall came by reason of transgression, 2 Ne. 9:6.
wo unto him that has commandments and transgresses them, 2 Ne. 9:27.
remember awfulness of transgressing against God, 2 Ne. 9:39.
men will confess they have transgressed law and say, my transgressions are mine, 2 Ne. 9:46.
Lamanites’ transgressions will the Lord bring down upon own heads, Enos 1:10.
new name shall never be blotted out except through transgression, Mosiah 1:12 (5:11).
if Nephites fall into transgression, the Lord will deliver them up, Mosiah 1:13.
man who transgresses contrary to what he has been taught is in open rebellion to God, Mosiah 2:36–37.
Christ’s blood atones for sins of those who have fallen by transgression of Adam, Mosiah 3:11.
ye will not suffer your children to transgress God’s laws, Mosiah 4:14.
he was wounded for our transgressions, Mosiah 14:5 (Isa. 53:5).
for transgressions of my people was he stricken, Mosiah 14:8 (Isa. 53:8).
Christ takes upon himself his people’s transgressions, Mosiah 15:9 (Alma 34:8).
nothing shall overthrow Church except transgression of the Lord’s people, Mosiah 27:13.
the Son suffers that he might blot out his people’s transgressions, Alma 7:13.
the Lord would rather suffer that Lamanites destroy Nephites if they fall into transgressions, Alma 9:19.
far more tolerable for Lamanites than Nephites if Nephites fall into transgression, Alma 9:23.
if Nephites fall into transgression, they will be ripe for destruction, Alma 10:19.
Christ will take upon himself transgressions of those who believe on him, Alma 11:40.
by transgressing first commandments, men became as Gods, knowing good from evil, Alma 12:31.
when enlightened people fall into transgression, they become more hardened, Alma 24:30.
how great inequality of man because of transgression, Alma 28:13.
how much more cursed is he who knows God’s will and does it not than he who only believes and falls into transgression, Alma 32:19.
God will not suffer Nephites to be destroyed until they bring it upon themselves by transgressions, Alma 46:18.
Nephites become weak because of transgression, Hel. 4:26.