Translated Beings See also Change; Enoch2; John the Beloved; Three Nephite Disciples; Transfiguration; Zion Alma2 is said to be taken up by the Spirit or buried by hand of God, as was Moses, Alma 45:19. three Nephite disciples who desire to tarry are sanctified, never to taste death, 3 Ne. 28:1–9, 36–40. whether Ether will be translated matters not, Ether 15:34. John will tarry until the Lord comes, D&C 7:3. the Lord took Zion of Enoch2 into his own bosom, D&C 38:4. Zion, city reserved until day of righteousness, D&C 45:12. Enoch2 walked with God and God took him, D&C 107:49. Elijah was taken to heaven without tasting death, D&C 110:13. Zion is taken up into heaven, bosom of the Lord, Moses 7:21, 23, 31, 47. Zion is fled, Moses 7:69.