Unclean, Uncleanness See also Corrupt; Defile; Evil; Filthiness; Spirit, Evil; Spot; Stain; Unholy; Wicked; TG Uncleanness those who seek to do wickedly are found unclean, 1 Ne. 10:21. no unclean thing can dwell with God in his kingdom, 1 Ne. 10:21 (15:34; Alma 7:21; 11:37; 40:26; Hel. 8:25; 3 Ne. 27:19). unclean shall come no more to Jerusalem, 2 Ne. 8:24 (3 Ne. 20:36; Isa. 52:1). we shall have perfect knowledge of our uncleanness, 2 Ne. 9:14. truth is hard against all uncleanness, 2 Ne. 9:40. in Jesus’ name Nephi3 casts out unclean spirits, 3 Ne. 7:17, 19. touch not that which is unclean, 3 Ne. 20:41 (Moro. 10:30). strip yourselves of all uncleanness, Morm. 9:28. cease to be unclean, D&C 88:124. keep slothfulness and uncleanness far from you, D&C 90:18. no unclean thing to come in unto the Lord’s house, D&C 94:8 (97:15; 109:20). no unclean thing can dwell in presence of God, Moses 6:57.