Vineyard See also Grape; Olive; Spot of Land; Vine; TG Vineyard of the Lord well-beloved’s vineyard brings forth wild grapes, 2 Ne. 15:1–4 (Isa. 5:1–4). vineyard of the Lord is house of Israel, 2 Ne. 15:7 (Isa. 5:7). parable of tame olive tree in vineyard, Jacob 5. Jacob2 expounds parable of olive tree in vineyard, Jacob 6. Noah3 plants vineyards in land, Mosiah 11:15. glad tidings declared in all parts of vineyard, Alma 13:23. the Lord will bless all who labor in his vineyard, D&C 21:9. laborers called to prune vineyard for last time, D&C 24:19 (33:3; 39:17; 43:28; 71:4; 75:2; 95:4). vineyard has become corrupted, D&C 33:4. build Church by laboring in vineyard, D&C 39:13 (50:38). parable of nobleman and vineyard, D&C 101:44–62 (103:21). Saints shall plant vineyards and eat fruit thereof, D&C 101:101. other seventy to be called if labor in vineyard requires it, D&C 107:96. easy to burn dry trees to purify vineyard, D&C 135:6. choice spirits prepared to come forth to labor in vineyard, D&C 138:56.