voice of the Lord is unto all men, D&C 1:2, 11 (65:1).
voice of warning unto all people, D&C 1:4 (63:37; 112:5).
they who will not hear voice of the Lord or his servants shall be cut off, D&C 1:14.
by the Lord’s own voice or by voice of his servants, it is same, D&C 1:38.
the Lord’s voice speaks words to Twelve, D&C 18:35.
Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer testify they heard voice, D&C 18:36.
scriptures and revelations to come by voice of God, D&C 20:35.
listen to voice of Jesus Christ, D&C 27:1 (29:1; 38:22; 39:1).
declare gospel with sound of rejoicing, as with voice of trump, D&C 29:4.
elect hear the Lord’s voice, D&C 29:7 (35:21).
lift up your voice and spare not, D&C 34:10.
men to be appointed by voice of Church, D&C 38:34.
let preaching be warning voice, D&C 38:41 (63:37).
the Lord to utter voice out of heaven at his coming, D&C 43:18, 23 (45:49; 133:21).
how oft have I called upon you by mine own voice, by voice of thunderings, lightnings, tempests, earthquakes, D&C 43:25 (88:90).
give ear to voice of the living God, D&C 50:1.
day comes that Saints shall hear the Lord’s voice, D&C 50:45.
man to hold inheritance until not accounted worthy by voice of Church, D&C 51:4.
elders called by voice of the Spirit, D&C 52:1.
the Lord utters his voice, and it shall be obeyed, D&C 63:5.
voice of God is mighty, D&C 65:1.
whatsoever elders speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be voice of the Lord, D&C 68:4.
he who lifts voice against Church shall be confounded, D&C 71:10.
the Lord speaks by voice of his Spirit, D&C 75:1 (97:1).
Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon hear voice bearing record of the Son, D&C 76:23.
voice out of heavens bore record unto gospel, D&C 76:40.
priesthood confirmed upon elders by the Lord’s voice, D&C 84:42.
whoso receiveth not the Lord’s voice is not acquainted with his voice, D&C 84:52.
still small voice which whispers, D&C 85:6.
voice of one crying in wilderness, D&C 88:66.
the Lord’s voice is Spirit, D&C 88:66.
those who obey the Lord’s voice shall see his face, D&C 93:1.
land to be sold as made known by voice of the Spirit, D&C 104:36.
dealings of united order to be by voice and common consent of order, D&C 104:71–72.
decision by quorums must be by unanimous voice, D&C 107:27.
resist no more the Lord’s voice, D&C 108:2.
the Lord’s voice is as sound of rushing of great waters, D&C 110:3 (133:22).
voice of the Lord in Fayette, D&C 128:20.
voice of God heard at sundry times, D&C 128:21.
voice from heaven is glorious, D&C 128:23.
voice declares to Joseph Smith that war will arise through slave question, D&C 130:13.
the Lord’s voice shall be heard, D&C 133:50.
voice of the Lord to Joseph Smith, D&C 137:7.
the Lord’s voice was not raised among ungodly in spirit world, D&C 138:20.