Want See also Need people of Lehi1 suffer much for want of food, 1 Ne. 16:19. administer to relief of sick, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants, Mosiah 4:26 (18:29). priests labor for own support, save in cases of much want, Mosiah 27:5. Ammonites administer to outcast Zoramites2 according to wants, Alma 35:9. Nephite army about to perish for want of food, Alma 58:7. robbers cannot exist save in wilderness, for want of food, 3 Ne. 4:3. robbers become weak for want of food, 3 Ne. 4:24. every man should receive portion equal to wants and needs, D&C 42:33 (51:3; 82:17). that which exceeds wants should be given to storehouse, D&C 70:7. bishop to administer to wants of elders, D&C 72:11. bishop should administer to wants of poor, D&C 84:112.