Wash See also Baptism; Cleanse; Jesus Christ, Atonement through; Purify; Sanctification the Lord shall wash away filth of daughters of Zion, 2 Ne. 14:4 (Isa. 4:4). no man can be saved except his garments are washed white, Alma 5:21 (3 Ne. 27:19). be baptized, that ye may be washed from sins, Alma 7:14. garments of high priests have been washed white through blood of the Lamb, Alma 13:11. if we should stain swords again, perhaps they can no more be washed bright through blood of the Son, Alma 24:13. when thou fastest, anoint thy head and wash thy face, 3 Ne. 13:17 (Matt. 6:17). inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be washed in blood of the Lamb, Ether 13:11. be baptized, and wash away your sins, D&C 39:10. elders to wash feet as testimony against those who reject them, D&C 60:15 (84:92; 99:4). men are washed and cleansed by keeping commandments, D&C 76:52. ordinance of washing of feet, D&C 88:139–41. strong drinks are for washing of bodies, D&C 89:7. washings not acceptable unless performed in the Lord’s house, D&C 124:37–39. transgressors who pay penalty and are washed clean receive reward, D&C 138:59. anoint thine eyes with clay, and wash them, Moses 6:35.