the Lord giveth no commandments save he shall prepare way to accomplish it, 1 Ne. 3:7 (9:6).
John the Baptist to prepare way of the Lord, 1 Ne. 10:7 (3 Ne. 24:1; Mal. 3:1).
prepare ye way of the Lord, 1 Ne. 10:8 (Alma 7:9; 9:28; Hel. 14:9; Ether 9:28; Isa. 40:3).
way is prepared for all men if they repent, 1 Ne. 10:18.
wicked pervert right ways of the Lord, 1 Ne. 13:27 (22:14; 2 Ne. 28:15; Jacob 7:7; Mosiah 12:26; 29:7; Alma 30:60; 31:1, 11; Moro. 8:16).
one spindle in Liahona points way to go in wilderness, 1 Ne. 16:10 (Alma 37:40).
the Lord will prepare way in wilderness, 1 Ne. 17:13.
the Lord prepared way that Israelites might be healed of serpents’ bites, 1 Ne. 17:41.
because of simpleness of way, many perish, 1 Ne. 17:41 (Alma 37:46).
the Lord will prepare way unto fulfilling words of Moses, 1 Ne. 22:20.
way is prepared from Fall of man, and salvation is free, 2 Ne. 2:4 (Alma 37:46).
if children are brought up in way they should go, they will not depart from it, 2 Ne. 4:5 (Prov. 22:6).
why should I give way to temptations, 2 Ne. 4:27.
Lord, wilt thou make way for mine escape from mine enemies, 2 Ne. 4:33.
the Lord prepares way for escape from death and hell, 2 Ne. 9:10.
way for man is narrow, 2 Ne. 9:41 (3 Ne. 14:14).
none other way save by gate, 2 Ne. 9:41.
men are free to choose way of everlasting death or way of eternal life, 2 Ne. 10:23.
the Lord will teach us his ways, 2 Ne. 12:3 (Isa. 2:3).
right way is to believe in Christ, 2 Ne. 25:28–29.
they have all gone out of way, 2 Ne. 28:11.
none other way whereby man can be saved, 2 Ne. 31:21 (Mosiah 3:17; Alma 38:9; Hel. 5:9).
Nephites ponder what to do after entering way, 2 Ne. 32:1.
no man knows God’s ways save they are revealed to him, Jacob 4:8.
continue in way which is narrow, Jacob 6:11.
Benjamin is soon to go way of all earth, Mosiah 1:9.
we have turned every one to his own way, Mosiah 14:6 (Isa. 53:6).
unrighteous king perverts ways of righteousness, Mosiah 29:23.
Mosiah2 has gone way of all earth, Alma 1:1.
Alma2 sees no way to reclaim Nephites save in bearing down in pure testimony, Alma 4:19.
do not let us be slothful because of easiness of way, Alma 37:46.
flaming sword turned every way, to keep tree of life, Alma 42:2.
Teancum has gone way of all earth, Alma 62:37.
how long will the Lord suffer you to go in your way of sin, Hel. 9:21.
broad is way that leads to destruction, 3 Ne. 14:13 (27:33; Matt. 7:13).
narrow is way that leads to life, 3 Ne. 14:14 (27:33; Matt. 7:14).
work to commence among dispersed to prepare way for them to come to Christ, 3 Ne. 21:27.
in his Son, God has prepared more excellent way, Ether 12:11.
names of converts taken to keep them in right way, Moro. 6:4.
way to judge is plain, Moro. 7:15.
way whereby ye may lay hold upon every good thing, Moro. 7:21.
the Lord prepared way for men to have faith in Christ, Moro. 7:32.