Nephites make weapons of war, Jarom 1:8.
Zeniff arms his people with weapons, Mosiah 9:16.
Nephites arm themselves with weapons of war, Alma 2:12 (43:18; 60:2).
converted Lamanites lay down weapons of rebellion, Alma 23:7 (Hel. 5:51).
people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi bury weapons, Alma 24:17–19 (26:32; 53:11–16; 56:6–7; Hel. 15:9).
other Lamanites throw down weapons and are converted, Alma 24:25–26 (25:14).
soldiers of Zerahemnah throw down weapons, Alma 44:14–15.
dissenters who lift weapons against Nephite army are hewn down, Alma 51:18–19.
Nephites fall upon Lamanites who do not give up their weapons, Alma 52:25, 32.
sons of Ammonites take up weapons to support Nephites, Alma 53:16–19.
Lamanite prisoners enter covenant not to take up weapons against Nephites, Alma 62:16.
no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, 3Â Ne. 22:17 (Isa. 54:17).
Lamanites fall upon Nephites with all manner of weapons, Morm. 6:7–9.
people must lay down weapons and delight no more in bloodshed, Morm. 7:4.
Jaredites make all manner of weapons of war, Ether 10:27.