the Lord slays wicked to bring forth righteous purposes, 1 Ne. 4:13.
those who have sought to do wickedly are found unclean before God, 1 Ne. 10:21.
numbers of Church of the Lamb are small because of wickedness of abominable church, 1 Ne. 14:12.
wicked are rejected from righteous, 1 Ne. 15:36.
Nephi1 has spoken hard things against wicked, 1 Ne. 16:2.
the Lord destroys nations of wicked, 1 Ne. 17:37.
God to yield himself into hands of wicked men, 1 Ne. 19:10.
no peace unto wicked, 1 Ne. 20:22 (Isa. 48:22).
the Lord will not suffer wicked to destroy righteous, 1 Ne. 22:16.
ye have all gone astray, every one to his wicked ways, 2 Ne. 12:5.
wo unto those who justify wicked for reward, 2 Ne. 15:22–23 (Isa. 5:22–23).
I will punish wicked for their iniquity, 2 Ne. 23:11 (Isa. 13:11).
the Lord hath broken staff of wicked, 2 Ne. 24:5 (Isa. 14:5).
because of wickedness, false churches have gone astray, 2 Ne. 28:14.
the Lord will cause division among people and will destroy wicked, 2 Ne. 30:10.
bar of God strikes wicked with fear, Jacob 6:13.
he made his grave with wicked, Mosiah 14:9 (Isa. 53:9).
because of law, those who do not belong to Church dare not commit wickedness, Alma 1:32–33.
afflictions are judgments of God because of wickedness, Alma 4:3.
come ye out from wicked, Alma 5:57.
names of wicked not to be numbered among righteous, Alma 5:57.
final state of wicked is for devil to have all power over them, Alma 34:35 (40:13).
wickedness of Jaredites to be made known, but not secret oaths, Alma 37:29.
spirits of wicked are cast into outer darkness until Resurrection, Alma 40:13–14.
awful death cometh upon wicked, Alma 40:26.
wickedness never was happiness, Alma 41:10.
many Lamanites are convinced of wickedness of traditions of fathers, Hel. 5:19.
many Nephites become grossly wicked, Hel. 6:2.
members of robber band who reveal wickedness are tried according to laws of Gadianton, Hel. 6:24.
robbers in government let wicked go unpunished because of money, Hel. 7:5.
Nephites are in state of awful wickedness, 3 Ne. 6:17.
the Lord destroys cities to hide wickedness, 3 Ne. 9:7–12.
Jesus is troubled because of wickedness of Israel, 3 Ne. 17:14.
they who work wickedness are set up, 3 Ne. 24:15 (Mal. 3:15).
ye shall return and discern between the righteous and wicked, 3 Ne. 24:18 (Mal. 3:18).
all who do wickedly shall be stubble, 3 Ne. 25:1.
judgments of God will overtake wicked, Morm. 4:5.
by wicked are wicked punished, Morm. 4:5.
wicked stir up hearts of men unto bloodshed, Morm. 4:5.
never so great wickedness among house of Israel, Morm. 4:12.
Israel to rend veil of unbelief which causes them to remain in state of wickedness, Ether 4:15.
awful wickedness to deny pure mercies of God unto little children, Moro. 8:19.