Widow, Widowhood See also Needy; Orphan the Lord shall not have mercy upon their widows, 2 Ne. 19:17 (Isa. 9:17). wo unto those who make widows their prey, 2 Ne. 20:1–2 (Isa. 10:2). many widows in land because of war, Mosiah 21:10 (Alma 28:5; Moro. 9:16). thou shalt not remember reproach of thy widowhood, 3 Ne. 22:4 (Isa. 54:4). the Lord will be swift witness against those who oppress widow, 3 Ne. 24:5 (Mal. 3:5). secret combinations cause widows to mourn before the Lord, Morm. 8:40. widows and orphans shall be provided for, D&C 83:6. Saints owe duty to widows of those murdered by persecutors, D&C 123:9. each company to bear equal proportion in taking poor, widows, D&C 136:8.