Laban drunken with wine, 1 Ne. 4:7.
they who oppress thee shall be drunken with own blood as with sweet wine, 1 Ne. 21:26 (Isa. 49:26).
hear now this, thou drunken, and not with wine, 2 Ne. 8:21 (Isa. 51:21).
come buy wine and milk without money, 2 Ne. 9:50 (Isa. 55:1).
wo unto them that follow strong drink from early in morning until night, and wine inflame them, 2 Ne. 15:11 (Isa. 5:11).
those who do iniquity shall be drunken, but not with wine, 2 Ne. 27:4.
Noah3 builds wine-presses and makes wine in abundance, Mosiah 11:15.
Limhi sends tribute of wine to Lamanites to make guards drunken, Mosiah 22:7–10.
Laman4 takes wine to Lamanite guards to make them drunken, Alma 55:8–14.
Christ administers wine in sacrament to Nephites, 3 Ne. 18:1–3, 8–9 (20:5–9).
wine of sacrament in remembrance of Christ’s blood, 3 Ne. 20:8 (Moro. 5:2).
Jaredites drunken with anger, as man who is drunken with wine, Ether 15:22.
mode of administering sacramental wine, Moro. 5.
Church meets oft to partake of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus, Moro. 6:6.