those who seek wisdom shall be instructed, D&C 1:26.
sacred things reserved for wise purpose, D&C 5:9.
seek not for riches, but for wisdom, D&C 6:7 (11:7).
be patient, for it is wisdom in me that I have dealt with you in this manner, D&C 9:3, 6.
wisdom not to show manuscript to world, D&C 10:34–37 (19:21).
conduct thyself wisely before the Lord, D&C 19:41.
Oliver Cowdery to write by way of wisdom, not commandment, D&C 28:5.
treasure up wisdom in bosoms, D&C 38:30.
he who lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, D&C 42:68 (James 1:5).
they who are wise shall abide the Lord’s coming, D&C 45:57.
spiritual gift of word of wisdom, D&C 46:17.
word of knowledge given that all may be taught to be wise, D&C 46:18.
hearken to words of wisdom to be given, D&C 50:1.
wise steward shall enter joy of the Lord, D&C 51:19.
bring forth fruits of praise and wisdom, D&C 52:17.
he who is compelled in all things is not wise servant, D&C 58:26.
foolish virgins among wise, D&C 63:54.
he who is wise in time is worthy to inherit the Father’s mansions, D&C 72:4.
wisdom of those who serve the Lord shall be great, D&C 76:9.
wisdom of wise shall perish, D&C 76:9.
he who has ordained you from on high shall speak words of wisdom, D&C 78:2.
wisdom to make friends with mammon of unrighteousness, D&C 82:22.
wisdom receives wisdom, D&C 88:40.
teach one another words of wisdom, D&C 88:118 (109:7).
Word of Wisdom, D&C 89.
many are seeking diligently to learn wisdom, D&C 97:1.
honest and wise men should be sought, D&C 98:10.
blessing of being wise steward in the Lord’s house, D&C 101:61.
the Lord established Constitution by wise men, D&C 101:80.
reveal not things the Lord has revealed until it is wisdom in him that they be revealed, D&C 105:23.
be as wise as serpents, D&C 111:11.
prophet raised to show wisdom through weak things, D&C 124:1.
things kept hid from wise shall be revealed, D&C 128:18.
weak shall confound wise, D&C 133:58.
ignorant to learn wisdom by humbling himself, D&C 136:32.