Nephi1 to witness man descending out of heaven, 1 Ne. 11:7.
God sends more than three witnesses, 2 Ne. 11:3 (27:13–14).
show of their countenances witnesses against them, 2 Ne. 13:9 (Isa. 3:9).
Isaiah1 takes faithful witnesses to record, 2 Ne. 18:2 (Isa. 8:2).
in mouth of as many witnesses as seems good the Lord will establish his word, 2 Ne. 27:14.
book to be sealed again after witnesses have been obtained, 2 Ne. 27:22.
testimony of two nations is witness that I am God, 2 Ne. 29:8.
by baptism, Christ witnessed to the Father that he would be obedient, 2 Ne. 31:6–7.
baptism is witnessing to the Father that you are willing to take name of Christ and keep commandments, 2 Ne. 31:13–14 (Mosiah 18:10; 3 Ne. 18:10; Moro. 4:3).
the Holy Ghost witnesses of the Father and the Son, 2 Ne. 31:18 (3 Ne. 16:6).
having witnesses of prophets and revelations, we obtain hope, Jacob 4:6.
Nephites are not witnesses alone of these things, Jacob 4:13.
thou shalt not bear false witness, Mosiah 13:23 (Ex. 20:16).
those willing to stand as witnesses of God should be baptized, Mosiah 18:9–10.
baptism a witness that men have entered covenant with God, Mosiah 18:10.
baptism a witness of willingness to serve God, Mosiah 21:35.
people of Alma1 to stand as witnesses of God, Mosiah 24:14.
many witnesses against unbelievers, Mosiah 26:9.
blood of innocent shall stand as witness against wicked, Alma 14:11.
will ye deny all these witnesses, Alma 30:45.
after ye have received witnesses, bring fruit unto repentance, Alma 34:30.
Lamanite queen asks Amalickiah to bring witnesses of king’s death, Alma 47:33.
people do not believe what they cannot witness with own eyes, Hel. 16:20.
Nephi3 an eye-witness, 3 Ne. 7:15.
partake of sacrament that Christ may witness to the Father that ye always remember him, 3 Ne. 18:11 (Moro. 4:3; 5:2).
the Lord will be swift witness against wicked, 3 Ne. 24:5 (Mal. 3:5).
ye receive no witness until after trial of faith, Ether 12:6.
transgressor condemned by three witnesses is not numbered among Church, Moro. 6:7.