Wonder, Wonderful See also Marvel; Miracle; Sign Jews will reject signs and wonders, 1 Ne. 19:13. one shall rise up to work mighty wonders in restoring Israel, 2 Ne. 3:24. the Messiah shall be called Wonderful, 2 Ne. 19:6 (Isa. 9:6). the Lord will do marvelous work and wonder among men, 2 Ne. 25:17 (27:26; Isa. 29:14). the Lord works wonders among men according to their faith, 2 Ne. 26:13. the Lord showed many signs and wonders to Israel, Mosiah 3:15. many signs and wonders in heavens at Christ’s birth, Hel. 14:6 (3 Ne. 1:22; 2:1). Nephi2 shows people signs and wonders, Hel. 16:4. the Lord shows wonders to those who believe, D&C 35:8. those who fear the Lord will see wonders, D&C 45:40. make known the Lord’s wonderful works, D&C 65:4. wonders of eternity to be shown to those who fear and serve the Lord, D&C 76:5–8. believers shall do many wonderful works, D&C 84:66. seas and lands tell wonders of the Eternal King, D&C 128:23.