Lehi1 is obedient to word of the Lord, 1 Ne. 2:3.
Nephi1 remembers words of the Lord spoken in wilderness, 1 Ne. 4:14.
sons of Lehi1 speak words of the Lord to Ishmael1, 1 Ne. 7:4.
how is it ye have not hearkened to word of the Lord, 1 Ne. 7:9.
word of the Lord to be fulfilled, 1 Ne. 7:13 (10:13; 2 Ne. 5:19–20; Mosiah 21:4; 3 Ne. 29:2).
iron rod is word of God, 1 Ne. 11:25 (15:24).
Nephi1 exhorts brothers to give heed to word of God, 1 Ne. 15:25.
would Israel have been led out of Egypt if they had not hearkened to words of the Lord, 1 Ne. 17:23.
according to his word, God did all things for Israelites, 1 Ne. 17:31.
nothing done save it were by God’s word, 1 Ne. 17:31.
children of land had rejected every word of God, 1 Ne. 17:35.
ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words, 1 Ne. 17:45.
sharpness of Nephi1 is sharpness of power of word of God, 2 Ne. 1:26.
the Lord will give power to latter-day seer to bring forth his word and convince people of his word, 2 Ne. 3:11.
God’s eternal word cannot pass away, 2 Ne. 9:16.
Nephi1 has spoken words of your Maker, 2 Ne. 9:40.
word of the Lord shall go out from Jerusalem, 2 Ne. 12:3 (Isa. 2:3).
wo unto him who rejects word of God, 2 Ne. 27:14.
wo unto him who shall say, We have received word of God and need no more, 2 Ne. 28:29.
the Lord’s words shall hiss forth to ends of earth, 2 Ne. 29:2–3 (Moro. 10:28).
the Lord speaks forth his word according to his own pleasure, 2 Ne. 29:9.
because the Lord has spoken one word, ye need not suppose he cannot speak another, 2 Ne. 29:9.
the Lord’s word shall be gathered in one, 2 Ne. 29:14.
voice from the Father says, Words of my Beloved are true, 2 Ne. 31:15.
press forward, feasting upon word of Christ, 2 Ne. 31:20 (32:3).
angels speak words of Christ, 2 Ne. 32:3.
words of Christ will tell you all things you should do, 2 Ne. 32:3.
teachers take responsibility for people’s sins if they do not teach word of God, Jacob 1:19.
as yet, Nephites have been obedient to word of the Lord, Jacob 2:4 (Hel. 7:7).
pleasing word of God heals wounded soul, Jacob 2:8.
hearken to word of the Lord, Jacob 2:27 (Morm. 9:27).
because of strictness of word of God which comes down against wicked, many hearts died pierced with deep wounds, Jacob 2:35.
by God’s word man came upon face of earth, Jacob 4:9.
after ye have been nourished by good word of God, will ye bring forth evil fruit, Jacob 6:7.
word of the Lord is verified, Jarom 1:9 (Alma 9:14; 25:17; 50:19, 21).
Nephites are admonished by word of God, Omni 1:13 (Mosiah 26:39).
people are judged out of records, according to word of God, W of M 1:11.
Noah3 hardens heart against word of the Lord, Mosiah 11:29.
people of Alma1 assemble to hear word of the Lord, Mosiah 18:32.
Abinadi’s prophecies are fulfilled because people would not hearken to words of the Lord, Mosiah 20:21.
because of unbelief, people could not understand word of God, Mosiah 26:3.
teachers teach word of God in all things, Mosiah 26:38.
sons of Mosiah2 to impart word of God to Lamanites, Mosiah 28:1 (Alma 17:4).
Nehor acknowledges he has taught contrary to word of God, Alma 1:15.
members of Church impart word of God without money or price, Alma 1:20.
priests leave labor to impart word of God, Alma 1:26.
word of God is fulfilled, Alma 3:14.
Amlicites fulfill words of God by marking themselves in foreheads, Alma 3:18.
Alma2 gives up judgment-seat to preach word of God, Alma 4:18–19.
Alma2 goes forth that he might pull down pride and contentions by word of God, Alma 4:19.
souls of fathers were illuminated by light of everlasting word, Alma 5:7.
word of God must be fulfilled, Alma 5:58.
word of God is liberal unto all, Alma 6:5.
Alma2 is called to preach word of God, Alma 8:24.
Nephites’ hearts have been hardened against word of God, Alma 9:30.
he who hardens heart receives lesser portion of word, Alma 12:10.
he who hardens not heart receives greater portion of word, Alma 12:10.
word of God would have been void if first parents had lived forever, Alma 12:26–27.
Alma2 and Amulek impart word of God without respect of persons, Alma 16:14.
sons of Mosiah2 search scriptures to know word of God, Alma 17:2.
Lamanites loosed from pains of hell by power of God’s word, Alma 26:13.
preaching of word has tendency to lead people to do that which is just, Alma 31:5.
Alma2 to try virtue of word of God, Alma 31:5.
God imparts his word by angels unto men, Alma 32:23.
if seed swells, word is good, Alma 32:28.
if ye will not nourish word, ye can never pluck fruit of tree of life, Alma 32:40.
question in minds of Zoramites2 whether word be in the Son of God, Alma 34:5.
because of word which God has imparted to Alma2, many have been born of God, Alma 36:26.
easy to give heed to word of Christ, which points straight course to eternal bliss, Alma 37:44.
word of the Lord comes to Alma2, who informs Moroni1 concerning enemies, Alma 43:24.
Nephites owe all happiness to word of God, Alma 44:5.
whosoever will may lay hold upon word of God, Hel. 3:29.
word of God leads man of Christ in narrow course across gulf of misery, Hel. 3:29.
many Nephites reject word of God, Hel. 6:2.
Lamanites preach word of God to robbers, Hel. 6:37.
Nephi2 declares word of the Lord, Hel. 10:12, 14.
Nephites do not hearken to words of the Lord, Hel. 10:13.
Nephi2 declares or sends word of God to all people, Hel. 10:15, 17.
Samuel the Lamanite speaks words of the Lord, which he put in heart, Hel. 13:5.
O that we had repented in day when word of the Lord came to us, Hel. 13:36.
Jesus perceives that Nephites are weak and cannot understand all his words, 3 Ne. 17:2.
disciples smite earth with word of God and are delivered from depths, 3 Ne. 28:20.
Nephites meet oft to hear word of the Lord, 4 Ne. 1:12.
why have ye transfigured holy word of God, Morm. 8:33.
by power of God’s word heaven, earth, and man were created, Morm. 9:17.
by power of God’s word miracles are wrought, Morm. 9:17.
he who contends against word of the Lord shall be accursed, Ether 4:8.
at Christ’s word, earth shall shake, Ether 4:9.
word of the Lord comes to Ether, Ether 13:20 (14:24).
those baptized should be nourished by good word of God, Moro. 6:4.
word of the Lord comes to Mormon2, Moro. 8:7.
the Holy Ghost manifests word of God to Mormon2, Moro. 8:9.
Mormon2 speaks word of God with sharpness, Moro. 9:4.