the Spirit came down and wrought upon Gentile across many waters, 1 Ne. 13:12.
if the Lord has wrought so many miracles, why cannot he instruct Nephi1 to build ship, 1 Ne. 17:51.
kings of isles of sea shall be wrought upon by the Spirit, 1 Ne. 19:12.
if mighty miracles were wrought among other nations, they would repent, 2 Ne. 10:4.
the Spirit has wrought mighty change in Benjamin’s people, Mosiah 5:2.
mighty change was wrought in heart of Alma1, Alma 5:12.
those who are healed manifest that the Spirit has wrought upon them, 3 Ne. 7:22.
great and marvelous works shall be wrought by Three Nephites, 3 Ne. 28:31.
change wrought upon bodies of Three Nephites, 3 Ne. 28:37–38.
he who says no miracle can be wrought by Christ shall be like sons of perdition, 3 Ne. 29:7.
many mighty miracles wrought by Jesus’ disciples, 4 Ne. 1:13.
all who wrought miracles wrought them by faith, Ether 12:16 (Moro. 7:37).