Conducting Music

Conducting Music

choir singing


Learn to conduct music so that you’re prepared to lead the singing in Church meetings. Music is an important part of worshipping the Lord, and this is a great way to learn more about music!


Using the resources in the back of the hymnbook or on, learn how to conduct music with various time signatures. You could ask an expert who knows how to conduct music to teach participants. You could also invite a few youth or leaders ahead of time to share how worthy music has blessed their lives. Encourage participants to share what they have learned by conducting music in a Church meeting, seminary class, or family home evening.

More Ideas

  • Follow the beat—Help your group learn about rhythm and time signatures by clapping to the beat of a hymn or Primary song.

  • Make a baton—Make your own conducting batons out of edible materials, and then practice conducting hymns with various time signatures. Afterward, you can eat your batons!

  • Draw it—Using resources in the hymnbook or on, teach your group about basic musical terms and different time signatures. Invite each participant to draw the conducting patterns (perhaps on a chalkboard at arm height) and practice conducting while looking at the drawings. Practice first without music and then while singing or listening to a hymn together.

  • Pair up—Practice conducting a simple hymn or other fun song in pairs. Then give each participant a chance to lead a hymn of his or her choice while the whole group sings. Practice conducting loud and soft or fast and slow while the group follows. You could even try conducting in the dark while holding small flashlights or glow sticks, if available in your area.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to learn musical skills like conducting?

  • When have you been uplifted or blessed by worthy music?

  • How can we use musical skills to serve others?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

Related Resources

Sabbath Day Lessons

