Preserve and Store Food and Water

Preserve and Store Food and Water

bottled cucumbers


Do you and your family have food and water stored in case of an emergency? If the answer is no, it’s not too late to start! The Lord wants us to be prepared so that we can be independent and help others when difficult times come.

Goal Description

Preserve and store food.

Note: Laws in some areas do not allow you to store food or water. Be aware of and follow the laws in your area.

Goal Ideas

  • Talk with your family and create a space in your home where you can store basic emergency food and water, such as a room, a shelf, or even under your bed.

  • Add one item every week to your food storage. You will be surprised at how fast it adds up!

  • With your family, learn what types of foods can be preserved and how to preserve them. You might consider fruits, vegetables, and meats. You might also consider storing canned, frozen, and freeze-dried foods.

  • Make a few meals a month using food from your storage and replace what you use. This will keep your food storage up to date, and you won’t be storing expired or unsafe foods.

  • Create your own goal.

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