Be Grateful Even When It’s Hard

Be Grateful Even When It’s Hard

young man in front of temple


On days when you don’t feel like there's much to be thankful for—and we’ve all had days like that—you can learn how to feel gratitude and tap into the power of God’s love and help.

Goal Description

Practice living in gratitude no matter what is going on in your life or happening around you.

Goal Ideas

  • Write a list of 25 things you're thankful for. Do you love living in a world that has raspberry ice cream? Write it on your list! Keep going after 25 if you can. Ask your family and friends if they can add to your list. Keep adding to your list for a couple of weeks and thank Heavenly Father for these things in your personal prayers.

  • Recognize the nice things that people do to help you each day and practice saying “Thank you.” Look for ways to give sincere compliments and thanks.

  • Keep a gratitude journal. Each day, write three things you're thankful for that happened that day.

  • Read all the scriptures in the Topical Guide under the headings of "Thanks" and "Thanksgiving." Look for examples of gratitude in the scriptures.

  • Interview your family members. Ask them what they are most thankful for in their lives. You could record their answers for family history and add them online.

  • Create your own goal.

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