Finish What You Start

Finish What You Start

writing a to-do list


Starting and stopping without ever finishing is no way to watch a movie or to live your life. Learning to finish what you start will give you peace of mind and make a big difference in helping you accomplish your goals.

Goal Description

Learn to finish the tasks you start.

Goal Ideas

  • Practice finishing things by doing projects that take more than just a few minutes, like weeding a small garden or completing a simple jigsaw puzzle. Commit to keep working until the project is finished, even if it takes longer or is harder than you first thought.

  • Sometimes we all need a little motivation to get a job done. Choose a job that requires a lot of effort to complete, and plan to reward yourself for finishing. For example, you could get a new book, have your favorite treat, take a nap, or go someplace fun with friends.

  • Try doing your least favorite daily chore or task as soon as you can—maybe before breakfast or as soon as you get home from school. Do you notice a difference in how you feel before and after you get that job done? Write it down!

  • Break down a big job into smaller pieces. Make a plan to complete each smaller piece and follow through on your plan. Even if you have some setbacks along the way, the big job will be done before you know it!

  • Pick one thing you’ve started but haven’t finished. Ask yourself why, then make a plan. Didn’t know the next step? Figure it out now! Took a break and never returned? Make a reminder to start again! Just got tired of it? Ask someone to help you! It was good but it wasn’t perfect? Check it off and move on!

  • Create your own goal.

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