Words of Encouragement

Words of Encouragement

two girls talking


The words we use affect those around us and can either invite or discourage the Spirit. Use positive language to lift and strengthen others.


Give encouraging messages to someone in your ward or community, such as the bishop, a new family, someone who is sick, or another person in your class or quorum who needs some extra love. You could write kind notes or tell them in person that you care.

More Ideas

  • I like you because—Pick a person in your group. Go around in a circle and have everyone say what they like about that person. Keep going until everyone has had a turn.

  • Dear friend—Assign each person in the group to write an anonymous letter of encouragement for someone else in the group.

  • Build each other up—Label a sheet of paper for each person in your group. Have each participant write an encouraging message for that person and then pass the paper on. At the end, each person will have a page full of uplifting words from their friends.

  • Express gratitude—As a group, create some simple gratitude certificates. You can handwrite or print them. For example, “Thanks for the great job you did with !” (You will fill in the blank later.) Look for opportunities to give the certificates to people—for example, to a server at a restaurant or a salesperson at a store. You could even give one to a ward or branch member or friend from school. Fill in the blank with a sincere compliment and give the certificate to the person.

  • Sweet service—Make a plate of treats as a group. Write nice messages in a card and deliver it with the treats to someone in your ward or community.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to explore career possibilities?

  • When have you felt the Spirit show you your unique talents and gifts?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about considering different career possibilities?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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