Friends of Other Faiths

Friends of Other Faiths

group of youth


Let your light shine as you strengthen relationships with friends and neighbors of other faiths (see 3 Nephi 12:16).


Working with your branch president or bishop, contact the leader of another religious faith. Ask if you could visit that faith’s place of worship and learn more about their religious traditions. You could invite them to an LDS worship service as well.

More Ideas

  • Games—Play team-building games to get to know each other better. Possible ideas include a scavenger hunt, a relay race, or working together to build towers out of everyday items.

  • Service project—Plan an interfaith service project to serve your community. Possible service projects might include cleaning up your neighborhood, serving the sick or elderly, or planting a garden.

  • Share a meal—Team up with groups from other faiths to plan and prepare a meal, and then enjoy it together. You might consider inviting parents and families to this event, sharing different foods and traditions, or planning a special holiday meal.

  • Panel discussion—Hold a panel discussion with leaders and members of other faiths. Ask panel members to share something meaningful about their faith. You could also give panel members questions ahead of time or allow audience members to ask questions. Be sure to set expectations for a courteous and respectful discussion.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why is it important to make friends of other faiths?

  • What experiences have you had interacting with members of other faiths?

  • What thoughts or impressions do you have about having friends of other faiths?

  • How can you be a good example to those around you? How can you show respect for others’ beliefs without compromising your own?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

Related Resources

Sabbath Day Lessons

