Making an Exercise Plan

Making an Exercise Plan

youth running


Care for the amazing body Heavenly Father gave you by making your own exercise plan. Improving your physical fitness shows your gratitude for your body and gives you the strength and energy to do all that Heavenly Father has planned for you.


Make individual exercise plans for the next several weeks using new exercises you learn as a group. These could include running, sit-ups, push-ups, aerobics, weight training, yoga, cycling, martial arts, or anything else you are interested in. In your exercise plans, chart out when you will exercise and how you will improve over the next few weeks.

As you plan this activity, please follow the counsel given in chapter 13 of Handbook 2: Administering the Church (2010) and review “Safety Recommendations for Church Activities.”

More Ideas

  • Exercise exchange—We all have different strengths and different things to teach one another. Invite every participant to teach the group the fundamentals of one type of exercise. Talk about how you can get better at each different exercise.

  • Learn from an athlete—If anyone in the group participates on an athletic team, attend one of their events together. Invite them to talk about their practice schedule and how they improve at their sport.

  • Healthy food—It’s also important to plan what we eat. Talk about daily nutritional needs and make a meal plan for the week.

  • Local event—Join a small local race together. Plan when you will train.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to exercise?

  • When have you experienced the benefits of making an exercise plan?

  • What thoughts or impressions do you have about exercise?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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