Humanitarian Service

Humanitarian Service

young boy at orphanage


Give humanitarian aid by serving in your community. Like the Savior, you can lovingly help those in need by lifting burdens and bringing hope.


Volunteer with a reputable local community organization to provide humanitarian service. Look for an organization that promotes self-reliance and has honest, competent leadership.

If there is a natural disaster or other tragedy in your area, you could contact LDS Charities or Mormon Helping Hands to find out how your group can help.

As you plan this activity, please follow the counsel given in chapter 13 of Handbook 2: Administering the Church (2010) and review “Safety Recommendations for Church Activities.”

More Ideas

  • Hygiene kits—Collect items for hygiene kits, such as washcloths, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotion, and so on. Assemble the kits by placing items in a container such as a heavy-duty plastic bag. Donate the kits to those in need.

  • Hold a donation drive—Contact a local shelter or other humanitarian organization to learn what items it needs. Hold a donation drive in your ward or community to collect the needed items, then deliver them as a group to the organization.

  • Make quilts—The Latter-day Saint Humanitarian Center always welcomes donations of new quilts. Invite an expert to help your group make quilts to donate, following these guidelines.

  • Serve refugees—Millions of refugees are trying to rebuild their lives in unfamiliar places. Find a way to serve refugees in your area. The Church offers a website full of resources. Consider inviting local refugees to share their stories with the group. See the Reaching Out to Neighbors from Other Countries activity for more ideas.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why is it important to offer humanitarian aid to those in need?

  • What experiences have you had providing humanitarian aid to others?

  • What thoughts or impressions do you have about providing humanitarian service?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

Related Resources

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