Seven Days of Service

Seven Days of Service

young men cleaning up trash


Can you serve for seven days in a row? Serving every day for a week will lift those you serve and help you become more Christlike.


Even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life. As a group, think of small and simple ways to serve your family, ward members, and the community. Watch “Seven Days of Service” or work with priesthood or Relief Society leaders for additional ideas. Then make a list of service ideas to complete each day for seven consecutive days. Try to plan a mix of individual and group service.

Possible individual service ideas include:

  • Writing or drawing thank-you notes to family members, ward leaders, or both, for the ways they serve and bless your life. When the notes are complete, deliver them.

  • Giving someone a sincere compliment.

  • Posting something uplifting or sharing a gospel message on social media.

Possible group service ideas include:

  • Organizing into teams to clean up garbage in your neighborhood.

  • Collecting items for members of your community and delivering them to local businesses or hospitals that can provide them to people in need.

  • Visiting younger and older patients in a hospital.

  • Preparing and delivering a meal to someone who is sick.

  • Gathering items to make emergency preparedness kits, then delivering completed kits to family or ward members.

Find additional service opportunities in your area at Invite participants to record their feelings and thoughts in a journal at the end of each day.

More Ideas

  • Seven days of service for your family—Plan seven ways to serve family members (which may include parents, siblings, and extended family). Encourage participants to share their plans, and then start serving. After the seven days, invite everyone to share what they have learned.

  • Service scavenger hunt—On separate pieces of paper, write types of service that can be done in a home, such as washing dishes or cleaning a floor. Organize into teams, set a time limit, and visit homes in your ward to provide the service.

  • Join with friends of other faiths—Plan a joint service project with members of another faith.

  • Weekend of service—Plan a weekend where you can spend Saturday and Sunday serving as a group. You could plan out what service you’d like to do the week before.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to serve others?

  • When have you felt the Spirit while serving others?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about doing seven days of service?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

Related Resources

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