Principles of Peace

Principles of Peace

Jesus Christ


Strengthen your faith in the Savior by learning and sharing principles of peace from the #PrinceofPeace.


Watch the video “The Prince of Peace” or the Principles of Peace videos. Follow the Spirit’s promptings as you choose which videos to watch and as your group shares principles from the videos with others. Below are some ideas to get you started. Smaller units could do these activities as a ward, branch, or stake.

Encourage participants to take photos or videos during the activity and post them on social media. You could also send your photos to the LDS Youth Facebook page or Instagram. Use the hashtag #PrinceofPeace.

More Ideas

  • Peace fair—Set up an area for each of the eight principles of peace. In each area, share the accompanying video or a skit, game, or song that shows how that principle can bless lives. Rotate frequently. Consider inviting participants to take a moment at each station to write how they can better apply that principle in their lives.

  • Go public—Divide into pairs and go somewhere public like a park or other busy area. Have a discussion, share testimony, or share a video about one of the principles of peace with those you meet. After the activity, you might present awards (most people contacted, most meaningful experience, funniest story, and so on).

  • Serve—Plan and carry out a group service project focused on one or more of the principles of peace. You could also divide the principles among group members and have individuals or small groups perform acts of service. After you complete the service, return and share your experiences.

  • Peace of the gospel—Discuss simple ways to share the gospel online. Then work together as a group to create and share a message with others online (for example, sharing one of the provided videos; making and sharing your own video, photo, or meme; or changing your wall or profile picture to an image of the Savior). When possible, share what you’ve created with specific individuals you feel could be strengthened by it.

  • Highlight peace—Host a community open house to share principles found in the videos through a presentation, program, or discussion. Consider highlighting a person in your community who exemplifies these principles.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to follow principles of peace?

  • When have you felt peace in your life or helped others feel peace?

  • What thoughts or impressions do you have about principles of peace?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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