Keep Trying!

Keep Trying!

young man running


No matter how much talent you have, overcoming setbacks is a skill you need to succeed in life. It helps you develop the ability to endure and you’ll learn a lot in the process. So even when you feel like giving up, keep trying!

Goal Description

Develop the ability to learn from challenges and keep going, even when it’s hard.

Goal Ideas

  • Think of a time in your life when things didn’t turn out as you hoped. What can you learn from that experience that will help you succeed in the future? Be specific. Write your thoughts and impressions in your journal.

  • Think about a long-term goal you have that is hard to stick with. Decide on things you can do to help you keep going—for example, get more creative, get more support, find a fun way to hold yourself accountable, create a longer list of reasons to stick with your goal, or break it into smaller pieces.

  • Help someone who is struggling with a hard goal or a setback. Tell them what you’ve learned about sticking with hard things, overcoming obstacles, or getting back up when you fall down. No one coming to mind? What would you tell yourself?

  • Practice praising yourself each time you try something challenging, work hard, and avoid getting discouraged or giving up.

  • Study the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ in the scriptures and general conference talks. Pray to know how the Lord’s Atonement can help you overcome a challenge, weakness, sin, trial, or disappointment you are facing.

  • Talk to someone who has overcome setbacks and gone on to succeed. Or study the lives of people you really admire and look for how they overcame obstacles and setbacks. What can you learn from their experiences?

  • The Lord commands us to give thanks in all things (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and Doctrine and Covenants 59:7). Think of a challenge in your life. Write down ten things about the challenge you could be grateful for.

  • Create your own goal.

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