Using the Book of Mormon to Answer Life’s Questions

Using the Book of Mormon to Answer Life’s Questions

young man reading the Book of Mormon


Learn how the Book of Mormon can help you and others find answers to important questions in life.


The Book of Mormon provides answers to life’s most important questions. As you gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon and study it regularly, you can find these answers and apply them in your life.

For this activity, divide participants into groups and encourage them to use the Book of Mormon to answer one or more questions listed below. Some scripture references are provided, but group members can look for others. Have each group share what they discover. Participants could also post their thoughts on social media and mark their paper or online scriptures.

More Ideas

  • Book of Mormon matching game—Using the Seminary Doctrinal Mastery list, create two sets of cards:

    • One set with the Book of Mormon scripture reference on one side

    • One set with the doctrine description on one side

      Divide into teams. Place the scripture reference cards face up on one part of a wall or table, and the doctrine description cards on another part. Invite participants to select a scripture reference card and the corresponding doctrine description. When the scripture reference and the doctrine description match, the team gets a point. The team with the most points wins. Continue until all cards have been selected.

  • Scripture chase—Write the questions from the Description section above on cards or pieces of paper (you can also use ideas from Doctrinal Mastery). Divide into teams, and hold up a question so everyone can see it (or state the question). Invite teams to search the Book of Mormon for the answer. The team that answers the question first gets a point, and the team with the most points wins. During or after the game, consider discussing the answers as a group.

  • Role-play—Many people have never heard about the Book of Mormon. They have questions about where we came from, why we’re here, and where we are going. Divide into small groups and role-play using the Book of Mormon to answer the questions listed above in the Description section. You might consider inviting several participants to role-play being missionaries who are working with an investigator.

  • Share on social media—Brainstorm as a group how to share thoughts and feelings about the Book of Mormon on social media. You might consider creating a group social media site where participants can post how they receive answers to their questions by reading the Book of Mormon. Invite each participant to post something at the activity and continue posting afterward as well.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to use the Book of Mormon to find the answers to life’s questions?

  • How have you used the Book of Mormon to answer your questions?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about finding answers in the Book of Mormon?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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