Focus on Fitness

Focus on Fitness

youth playing rugby on a beach


Your body is a gift from God and it’s up to you to keep it strong and healthy. Regular, healthy exercise can strengthen your body, increase your stamina and confidence, and lower your stress.

Goal Description

Strengthen your body through healthy exercise.

Goal Ideas

  • If exercise is not part of your day, set a goal to get moving for 20 minutes. You can walk, jog, bike, hike, row, or anything else.

  • Set up an exercise plan that doesn’t require a gym at all.

  • Do 20–30 minutes of strength training two days a week. Start with bodyweight exercises. Use free weights and weight machines only when an expert can help you. Don’t forget to stretch!

  • If you play a sport, you’re probably doing a lot of sport-specific training. Don’t forget everything else! For example, if you’re on the track team, try some yoga.

  • Create your own goal.

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