Protect Yourself Against Pornography

Protect Yourself Against Pornography

man typing on laptop keyboard


In today’s world, pornography can be hard to avoid. You can protect yourself spiritually and physically by having a plan to keep pornography out of your life.

Goal Description

Understand the dangers of pornography and make a plan to avoid it.

Goal Ideas

  • Commit to always having the Spirit with you. Be in tune with your spiritual feelings, particularly when viewing or listening to media. Determine what is appropriate and what isn’t. Develop a plan and have the courage to walk away from anything that is offensive to you and the Holy Ghost.

  • Prophets have taught that understanding your divine identity is one of the best ways to overcome temptation. Study the family proclamation, your patriarchal blessing, or talk to family or friends to learn about who you really are and what you can be.

  • Understand why pornography is harmful. Read in True to the Faith, LDS Topics, and other trusted sources. Pray about what you are learning and for the strength to overcome temptation.

  • In today’s world, there is a good chance you will be (or have been) exposed to pornography. Make a plan for what you will do if that happens, and review your plan with a trusted adult. You might also find this video helpful: “What Should I Do When I See Pornography?

  • If you have developed a habit of using pornography, even if it doesn’t seem serious, talk to a trusted leader or counselor and make a plan for breaking the habit. Learn about the purpose and blessing of fasting and how it can help your spirit have control over your body. Fast to receive extra guidance and strength.

  • Talk to your friends and together set a goal to help each other make good choices with what media you see or listen to.

  • Create your own goal.

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