Practice Teaching and Speaking

Practice Teaching and Speaking

young woman teaching a class


In the Lord’s Church, everyone gets a chance to contribute. You can count on having lots of opportunities to speak and teach at church! Practicing now will help you gain confidence so you can make a difference in others’ lives.

Goal Description

Prepare and give a lesson, talk, or presentation.

Goal Ideas

  • Interview a few people who are talented at teaching the gospel. Ask them what they do to prepare and present their lessons.

  • Take a class on teaching or public speaking. You could also go to to find teaching and speaking tips.

  • Prepare and present a family home evening lesson. Prayerfully choose a topic and plan a lesson that involves your whole family, from oldest to youngest. After presenting the lesson, write in your journal about what went well and what you might do differently next time.

  • Practice speaking or teaching in public to prepare for your next big school presentation or similar event. Speak clearly and confidently, look at the audience, and practice anything else that will help you communicate your message clearly.

  • Prepare to share your testimony in fast and testimony meeting. Think about how you want to express your feelings for the Savior, the restored gospel, prophets, and other aspects of the gospel. Record your feelings about sharing your testimony in your journal.

  • Create your own goal.

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