Developing Talents

Developing Talents

hands playing piano


We all have talents! Learn about and develop your God-given talents. As you do, you will find joy and bless others through your talents.


You have some incredible talents. Sometimes it may seem hard to recognize your own natural abilities, so get a group of friends and try out this activity to build each other up while learning about and recognizing your talents. Then share them!

Create a set of cards with a different talent written on each one. Include many different talents. Here’s a list to get you started:

  1. Public speaking

  2. Writing

  3. Being a friend

  4. Math

  5. English

  6. Relaxation

  7. Drawing

  8. Painting

  9. Music

  10. Photography

  11. Woodworking

  12. Video creation

  13. Programming

  14. Telling jokes

  15. Learning another language

  16. Teaching

  17. Being energetic

  18. Leading

  19. Listening

  20. Reading

  21. Overcoming failure

  22. Typing

  23. Journaling

  24. Managing money

  25. Storytelling

  26. Babysitting

  27. Playing sports

  28. Dancing

  29. Being honest

  30. Sharing testimony

Put the cards in a container and take turns drawing one out. When a card is drawn, ask those who feel they have that talent (or are working on that talent) to raise their hands or stand up. You might have people who raised their hands share what specifically they do well. Be sensitive to those who don’t raise their hands or stand up—recognize their talents and help them discover new ones.

After the group has learned more about each other’s talents, plan and hold a talent show. See this activity for ideas.

More Ideas

  • Practice with a friend—Get together with a friend to develop your skills, whether you draw, practice a sport, or share your talents by serving others.

  • Learn from a mentor—Do you know someone with a great talent? Invite this person to teach your group how to develop that talent. We can all learn and develop new talents.

  • Try something new—If you want to discover your talents, you have to try something new! Set up areas for people to learn and try out new skills. You might have areas for photography, origami, simple magic tricks, martial arts, math skills, beatboxing, mechanics, or anything else you may think of.

  • Join the Talent Network—Did you know that has a Talent Network you can join? You can create a profile and share your skills, interests, and experience. You may even find a job you qualify for. Set up profiles as a group. Help each other identify individual strengths and talents.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to recognize and develop our talents?

  • When have you been blessed by sharing one of your talents?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about using your talents to build the Lord’s kingdom?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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