Nature Walk
Spend time in nature to enjoy Heavenly Father’s creations and feel His love for you.
Go on a nature walk or hike to explore and enjoy the many things Heavenly Father has created for us. Discuss the advantages of spending time in nature, such as stress relief, physical fitness, and spiritual blessings. (You might want to unplug from all digital devices for this activity.)
More Ideas
Guessing game—Ask each participant to look around and find an object in nature (for example, a boulder or a stream). Then have one participant give clues to the other participants to help them guess. The person who guesses correctly takes the next turn to give clues.
Go small—Give each person a magnifying glass. Have them look at familiar items such as rocks and leaves. How do these things look different when they are magnified? Have participants share their discoveries with each other.
Bring nature to you—If you can’t get away into nature, bring nature to you. Bring natural objects such as plants, pieces of driftwood, pebbles, or soothing nature imagery to share with participants. Explain that even looking at natural objects or pictures of nature can relieve stress. Invite participants to draw a picture of a soothing nature scene and then hang the picture up where they will see it often. Invite them to breathe deeply and imagine they are in that place every time they see their picture or every time they need to relax.
Make a map—Give each participant a piece of paper and something to write with. Have them create a map of the area. Participants could share their maps with each other and explain why they included some things and not others.
Enos experience—Take the group into a quiet area and tell the story of Enos. Invite participants to spend some time by themselves praying, pondering, and writing in their journals.
Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:
Why do you think it is important to appreciate and spend time in nature?
When have you been uplifted by spending time in nature?
What feelings or impressions do you have about the things that Heavenly Father has created for you?
How can you apply what you are learning in your life?
Related Resources
Sabbath Day Lesson
The Creation (Gospel Principles)
Nature—Evidence of Heavenly Father’s Love (Family Home Evening Resource Book)
Earth: A Gift from God (Ensign)